7 tips when shopping online

advice for online shopping

Make sure the website is secure !

It is easy to detect that a website is using https at the beginning of the address, for example: http://www.website.com or https://www.website.com . If you enter a website and it does not start with “https”, move on to another site!

Read reviews before you buy anything online

I’m not saying to pay attention to every review, but if a product has 15 bad reviews out of 20 ones, it may be something you should think about before buying.

When I say “read” the reviews, here’s what I mean: if there is a comment that says “this color looks nothing like on the picture.

Use a credit card instead of your debit card to protect yourself from fraud

Unless you are buying something that costs less than 100 dollars. Using a credit card has many advantages, the main one being that if the item is defective or does not arrive, your money will be refunded by the bank.

Using your debit card means you have to call up your bank and ask them to recover it. If they decide not. You have a problem.

Check out shipping fees and return policies before buying anything online

Shipping fees are added on top of the cost of the product hosted, and if you return it, there is a chance you will have to pay for your return shipment. So make sure you know what you’re buying!

Always use a shopping cart when making purchases, so you don’t forget items or accidentally purchase more than one of something by accident .

For example, if you need to buy dishes online for your house, first purchase the plates and bowls, then purchase the cups. This will help you avoid buying both napkins and placemats during checkout.

shop online

Sign up for email alerts for sales and promotions on your favorite stores’ websites .

Most online stores will send an email when there’s a sale going on, or if they have a promotion. You can also get notified when your favorite store has a new product out!

Avoid clicking on links in emails, even if they are from companies you know – there could be malware attached to them that will infect your computer with viruses or spyware

.If an email comes from a company that you recognize, go to their website through your browser and then find the link that leads to the product. Never click on an email if it does not give you the option to do so!

The same goes for ads in social media. If you are targeted by an ad in facebook or twitter.

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